International teacher education: Promising pedagogy Part B (2015) |
International teacher education: Promising pedagogy Part A (2014) |
Issues in Education: Investigating the Clinical Field-Based Experience Practice and Pedagogical Practices of Candidates, Teachers, and Teacher Educators. Teacher Education Yearbook XXII (Part 2)(2014) |
From teacher thinking to teachers and teaching: The evolution of a research community (2013) |
Issues in education (Vo.1). American Teacher Educator’s Yearbook XXI (2013) |
Valuing diversity that is honest, natural, authentic, and holistic: Cultural competence in P-12 classrooms, schools, and higher education (2012) |
Cultivating curious and creative minds in teaching and teacher education: The role of teachers and teacher educators (Vo. 2). American Teacher Educators’ Yearbook XIX (2011) |
Cultivating curious and creative minds in teaching and teacher education: The role of teachers and teacher educators (Vo. 1). American Teacher Educators’ Yearbook XVIII
Teacher learning in small group settings. American Teacher Educators’ Yearbook XVII (2009) |
Connelly, F. M. & Clandinin, D. J. (1999). Shaping a professional identity: Stories of educational practiceTeachers College Press, 150-167.
Clandinin, D. J. & Connelly, F. M. (1995). Teachers’ professional knowledge landscapesTeachers College Press, 16-24, 79-87, 88-101, 137-141+ (Book was a finalist for the Grawemeyer Award for Research Excellence).